The Barn Mixer

By Rick Mohr; August 1986

Mixer, Scattered 4's Caller's Box

Level: Easy


Circle left (8)

Right hand star (8)


Right and left through (8)

Dosido neighbor (8)


Balance and swing neighbor (16)

(This is your new partner)


Promenade anywhere with new partner (16)

(Find another couple to circle with)

Summer dances in New Haven Connecticut are held in the beautifully rough-hewn Eli Whitney Barn, which has a long narrow space next to (and about five inches below!) a shorter space. It's perfect for longways sets but dismal for circles, so in need of a mixer I wrote this "scatter promenade" dance. It has turned out to be a reliable crowd pleaser; the chaos factor from the scattering is great for loosening people up early in the evening.

Bill Olson (fine caller from Maine and all-around great guy) points out that doing a Maine-style right and left through (with hands) in the A2 makes for a nice transition out of the right hand star. Thanks, Bill!

Video: Tara Bolker & Open Band at a 2010 contra in Hamilton ON: