Ellen's Yarns

By Rick Mohr; July 1995

Contra, Becket Caller's Box

Level: Intermediate


Right and left through (8)

Left hand star (8)


(on right diagonal) Ladies chain (8)

(straight across to shadow) Ladies chain (8)

(Form circle of four)


Balance the ring (4)

"Petronella turn" one place to the right (4)

Balance the ring (4)

"Petronella turn" one place to the right (4)

(to face partner in the adjacent ring)


Balance and swing partner (16)

Ted Sannella was the first to use "Petronella turn" into "balance and swing" with someone from another ring, in his dance "Fiddleheads". This dance was written (before the craze for such dances!) to provide that experience for everyone rather than just the actives.

When starting the left-hand star in A1 it helps if the ladies take a look at the lady on the right diagonal so they know who to aim for when coming back around into the ladies chain.

When waiting out at the ends dancers should stand as a couple on the ladies' side of the set; in A2 they should participate in the ladies chain.

For Ellen Cohn of New Haven, Connecticut; raconteuse, natural dyer, gifted musician and singer, longtime Fiddlehead, and valued friend.

Video: Darlene Underwood & Crowfoot at Dance Trance 2010, Lexington KY: