Rockin' Robin

By Rick Mohr; November 1996

Contra, Duple Improper Caller's Box

Level: Easy/Intermediate


Circle right (8)

Allemande left with neighbor (6)

Gents pull across by the right (2)


Hey (partners pass left shoulders to start) (16)


Balance and swing partner (16)


Circle left 1 1/4 (to original places) (10)

"Zig left": move left with partner out of set (3)

"Zag right": move right with partner past neighbors (to meet next couple) (3)

This is a very fun dance, especially with fast reels.

It helps to alert the gents to pull by at the end of the phrase in A1. Otherwise some will delay until the beginning of A2, making them late for the balance in B1. This can be reinforced during the dance by calling "Gents right hand pull by" early by a beat or two.

The "Zig-Zag" in B2 is most satisfying if dancers emphasize the sideways left/right motion rather than the forward motion which gets them past their neighbors. There's plenty of time, so encourage them to go a good distance out of the set in the Zig. The idea is to let the momentum from the circle left propel into the Zig left, and then let the momentum from the Zag right lead directly into the circle right with the next couple.

For Robin Kynoch, a fine tinwhistle player from Framingham, Massachusetts. You might not think it possible to "rock" on the whistle, but Robin does.

Video: Beth Molaro & Great Bear Trio at Summer Soiree 2009, Asheville NC (posted by Dave Pokorney):
Video: Nils Fredland & Elixir at Fall Has Sprung 2010, Grass Valley CA: